Saturday, October 25, 2014

Browsers (IE, Chrome, Firefox) can not open any website, but PING command shows connection is good.

After updated Windows 8 to 8.1, all the browsers (IE11, Chrome, Firefox) can not open any website, and showed the same result like "Page can not be displayed". 

However, PING command showed the internet connection was OK. Even Windows Store worked just good and Avast was able to update.

Also, IE showed "Unable to open the search page" message box after following a few steps.

Solutions that did NOT work:
  • Reseted browser settings.
  • Checked the proxy settings.
  • Manually set fixed IP address and DNS instead of DHCP.
  • Virus scan didn't find anything. (Avast Free edition)
  • All anti-virus software (Avast) was uninstalled. 
  • Windows firewall was turned off. 
  • UAC was turned off.
  • Windows diagnose tools couldn't find any problem corruptedcorrupted. 
  • Router settings were good. (I could PING through them.)
  • Used some anti-Trojan and system-fix tools. (**安装了百度卫士和金山急救箱等,然后进行修复和扫描,无效。)
  • Restarted computer (n times)...

TCP/IP protocol or Winsock settings are corrupted.

Go to command line (Admin) and reset TCP/IP stack and WINSOCK.
  • Reset WINSOCK entries to installation defaults:
    C:\>netsh winsock reset catalog 
  • Reset IPv4 TCP/IP stack to installation defaults.
    C:\>netsh int ipv4 reset reset.log 
  • Reset IPv6 TCP/IP stack to installation defaults.
    C:\>netsh int ipv6 reset reset.log 
Done. Problem solved.


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